* Added: Compatibility with WPDM - Page Template by Shaon. * Added: Compatibility with YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce. * Added: Compatibility with PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (basic) addon by Webtoffee. * Critical Fix: Admin Error: PHP error showing up on edit pages after WooCommerce Stripe v5.6.0 update. * Dev: Filter hooks added to change the image URL in the MiniCart and Order Summary sections. * Fixed: Embed form shortcode on pages build via thrive builder showing twice the header footer, fixed. Displaying points and rewards plugin message on the checkout page after update. * Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'WooCommerce Points and Rewards' by WooCommerce. * Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'EveryPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce' by Everypay S.A. Billing vat field default value set from user meta. * Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'WC EU vat number' plugin by official.

* Improved: CSS improvement with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT & OSS Premium by YITH plugin. Admin bar wasn't appearing when editing page through oxygen builder. * Improved: A scenario in combination with other plugins. * Improved: Product quantity can be set to 0 in mini cart. * Added: Compatibility added with 'The Courier Guy shipping for WooCommerce' plugin by The Courier Guy. * Added: Compatibility added with 'TheGem (WPBakery)' theme by Codex Themes, checkout form wasn't displaying.

* Critical Fixed: Divi latest version 4.12.0 caused a PHP error in editing mode when the global header footer is enabled. * Fixed: Some themes show their loader gif on checkout pages, resulting in the double loader, fixed. * Fixed: PHP Notice in 'allow customer to create account' setting, fixed. * Fixed: Oxygen builder: Mini Cart coupon, quantity delete settings sometimes don't work after the first load, fixed. * Fixed: Oxygen builder: Checkout pages loading speed improved. * Fixed: Error with Google autocompleted when map JS loaded from other sources. * Fixed: Issue with stripe gateway in combination with AddPaymentInfo tracking events in facebook. * Dev: Filter hook to change shipping content display position. * Fixed: After import, builder name wasn't showing, fixed. * Fixed: Oxygen builder edit link was wrong, fixed. * Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'WC Affirm' payment gateway, A PHP error was coming in admin during editing of checkout pages with page builder, fixed. * Fixed: A scenario where builder template meta wasn't set and overridden. * Improved: Compatibility updated with 'Germanized Pro' plugin, VAT billing or shipping fields added in checkout. * Improved: Admin UI improvements, better user experience. Some JS is coming on the checkout page, not needed. * Added: Compatibility added with 'WOOF - WooCommerce products filter' plugin. * Added: Compatibility added with 'WC avatax' plugin by SkyVerge. * Added: eCommerce tracking is added for Snapchat, Pinterest, Tiktok & Google Ads. * Fixed: Mini cart coupon link color setting CSS was override was not working. * Fixed: Error on the checkout page with RY invoice plugin version 1.3.9. * Fixed: Woodmart theme - Elementor Checkout form not visible on the frontend page. * Fixed: Sometimes products don't re-added in cart when multiple Page is open. * Fixed: Deprecated warning for elementor _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0.

* Improved: Optimized express checkout buttons for fast visibility. * Improved: Divi theme builder override the checkout canvas and box template. * Improved: Move Order bump position From mini cart to payment gateway at mobile devices. Changelog AeroCheckout – Woofunnels Custom WooCommerce Checkout Pages = v3.3.1 () = You can drive traffic to this single page channel. Shoppers can checkout faster without having to go through the usual shopping carts. AeroCheckout gives you a shortcode to embed a checkout form on a landing page or sales page.